Giving Back to our Community
Giving Back to our Community
I started the Sammi Shares Project because giving back to our community is a HUGE part of who we are as a company.
I also have a child with a life-threatening medical condition so any cause that benefits children in similar situations is VERY close to my heart.
In Orlando, there is a magical place called Give Kids The World. It is a resort that houses critically & terminally ill children along with their families that have been granted "wishes" to come vacation here in Florida!
Because of the financial burden of having a medically fragile child, these families are gifted these "wishes" at no cost to them.
SammiCakes & Cookies wants to provide these families with some extra goodies at no cost to them & since we happen to specialize in resort-delivered treats, this works out perfectly!

How YOU can help us!
With the Sammi Shares Project, there are 3 ways you can contribute to our project!
1) Simply place an order!
$5 of every order automatically goes into the Sammi Shares Project Fund!
2) You can donate money directly to the Sammi Shares Project via the donate button at the bottom of this page!
3) If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having to cancel your order, you may choose to donate your amount paid to fund treats to a family staying at GKTW!
Just let us know that you prefer this option when you cancel your order.